Become a Member

We’re delighted that you’re interested in joining the Chamber! Please fill out the form below to start the process of getting your business into our organization.

Small Business (1-5 Employees)


Ala Carte Items

Advertising on our Digital Sign

Non-Profit Organization (Limit 1 Per Month)


Member, 6mo. Commitment


Advertising on our Website

Enhanced Web Listing





Member, Weekly Run


Membership Packages

  • Annual Banquet

    Teacher Appreciation Brunch

    Chili Fest

    Classic Car Show

    Enhanced Web Listing & Web Banners

    12-Month Membership

Large Business (25+ Employees)


Non-Member, Monthly Run




  • Ribbon Cutting & Free Advertising for New Members

  • Invitations & Special Discounts to Chamber events and other member offers Educational/Informational Seminars & Opportunity to Serve on Committees

  • And countless other advantages!

  • Annual Banquet

    Teacher Appreciation Brunch

    Chili Fest

    Classic Car Show

    Get Lit, Jacksboro! + Holiday Home Tour

    Digital Sign Advertising

    Enhanced Web Listing & Web Banners

    12-Month Membership

Financial Institute & Utilities


Member, Monthly Run


Member, 1 Year Commitment


Non-Member, 1 Year Commitment


  • Annual Banquet

    Teacher Appreciation Brunch

    Chili Fest

    Classic Car Show

    Farmers Market

    Get Lit, Jacksboro! + Holiday Home Tour

    Digital Sign Advertising

    Enhanced Web Listing & Web Banners

    12-Month Membership

You understand and agree to charges to your business/organization based on the package you have purchased plus any add-ons. You have the authority to make this decision and commit to this agreement. you understand that if your dues are not paid within three months of the due date, your membership may be cancelled upon notification. You will be billed each period that you have checked above. Billing periods are January 1st and July 1st of every year.

  • Annual Banquet

    Teacher Appreciation Brunch

    Enhanced Web Listing & Web Banners

    12-Month Membership

Medium Business (6-24 Employees)


Member, Monthly Run


Non-Member, 6mo. Commitment


Web Banners


Perks of Membership

  • JCOC Window Decal

  • Members Only Referral Policy

  • Subscription to Chamber E-Newsletter

  • Advertised on Social Media & Chamber Website